Project management methodology
- The procedural framework within which the project can operate
- Can consist of public project management methodologies or methods within an organisation
- Includes: individual roles, the product, process/framework that need to be followed, documentation templates (e.g. for the project management plan, risk log and product specifications), tools that can be deployed (e.g. software)
- Advantages
- Provides a link to organisational governance
- Requires thought about how to project fits with the organisation
- All projects completed in the same way improving: consistency, continuity, communication, clarity and capability
The advantages of project management
- It makes projects consistent, with consistent processes and approaches
- Risk is reduced and opportunities are maximised because of consistent processes and experienced project managers
- Risks can be managed proactively and with enough time to consider these risks
The disadvantages of project management
- May need to recognise that the programme manager is the sponsor, particularly if they are part of a larger programme structure
- The programme will usually install its own governance arrangements on projects, which the project manager would have to conform to
- Project manager may not be trained on the specific method used to govern the programme
- Reliant on managerial meetings to co-ordinate tasks with other project managers
- Project manager may feel distant from the customer because the products are delivered to the client through the programme, which can cause misinterpretation and confusion
- APM = Association for Project Management
- Project Manager = managers the project so it follows the project management plan
- Project = an enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim
- Project Management Plan = The procedural framework within which the project can operate
- Association for Project Management (2014), APM Project Management Qualification Study Guide, Association for Project Management, Buckinghamshire.