Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Natalie Lamb and the 10 effective conference networking tips

1. Have good self belief and think positive thoughts
 -This is especially important when entering the networking room
-E.g. I'm nervous but so are other people
-E.g. What's the worst that can happen?

2. Be proud of the work you do and the company you represent

3. Be friendly, courteous and polite
-Smile, give good eye contact, shake hands and aim to remember people's names

4. Share information

5. Work out who you are talking to
-Other individuals who are looking for someone to talk to
-Open couples/trios who are happy to be joined
-Closed couples/trios who are comfortable without you joining right now
-Bigger groups, which you should only join if you know someone

6. Be patient
-It takes time to build meaningful relationships
-But some people are just rude, don't give them a second thought and just move on

7. Plan and prepare carefully before attending events

8. Ask intelligent and searching questions

9. Listen carefully and respond positively

10. Be persistent and follow up with potential possibilities

And overall, try and have a good time!