Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Natalie Lamb and the management of data

The following questions will help you to produce a data management plan, which will be especially helpful at the start of my PhD and can be something that updates during the process. You should answer the following questions.

Defining your data
  • Where does your data come from?
  • How often will you get new data?
  • How much data do you generate?
  • What format is your data in?

Looking after your data
  • What different versions of each data file do you create?
  • What additional information is required to understand each data file?
  • Where do you store your data/
  • How do you structure and name your folders and files?
  • How is your data backed up?
  • How will you test whether you can restore form your backups?

Sharing your data
  • Who owns the data you generate?
  • Who else has a right to see or use this data?
  • Who else should reasonably have access?
  • What should/shouldn't be shared and why?

Arching your data
  • What should be archived beyond the end of your project?
  • For how long should it be stored?
  • When will files be moved into the archive?
  • Where will the archive be stored?
  • Who is responsible for moving data to the archive and maintaining it?
  • Who should have access and under what conditions?

Executing your plan
  • Who is responsible for making sure this plan is followed?
  • How often will this plan be reviewed and updated?
  • What actions have you identified from the rest of this plan?
  • What further information do you need to carry out these actions?