Friday, 20 July 2018

Natalie Lamb and the 200 word biography

I had to produce a 100-200 word biography for The Bioscience Careers Day 2018. Due to the word limit and the focus of the day, I decided to keep it strictly on my PhD work, although I would have like to have made it a bit more personal, including hobbies, interests etc. I thought I would post the final biography as a blog post so others could use it as an example if they were interested.

Natalie Lamb's Biography

Natalie Lamb is a PhD student with The University of Sheffield and Anglian Water doing research into the chemicals used to treat drinking water.

The thing she most loves about her work is the independence she has to do this research with her own initiative. Some days she is in a hard hat and hi-vis strolling around a water treatment works. The next day she is gloved and coated in the lab, analysing all of her recent experiments. There are some restrictions, but by working with both industry and academia, Natalie has a lot of freedom to make each day a little different but all of it cumulatively building on her PhD.

One area that Natalie has an interest in is communicating her research to others in way anyone can understand- not just scientists. She volunteers with The Royal Society of Biology, teaches with The Brilliant Club, is a STEM Ambassador and tries to take part in all sorts of outreach activities.

Natalie’s PhD is a journey and she is learning every day, follow her on Twitter or read her blog to read more about it.