Monday, 18 June 2018

Natalie Lamb and the networking questions: Water industry specific

I will be attending an event in a few weeks, The Institute of Water Annual Conference, where I need to have questions prepared regarding networking and the water industry, for their Meet the Leaders Event. I wanted to prepare some specific questions and also I thought keeping a record of them would be a good idea because it is good blog post material!

Digital Future

  • How could the use of apps be incorporated into the water industry?
  • Social media has currently had a big impact on the water industry. How could it further have an impact in future?
  • Will I need to learn coding to benefit my career in the water industry?

Water and the Environment

  • How can we better engage with the public regarding increased water efficiency?
  • People genuinely seem to care about microplastics in water. What is the next topic relating to water that is most likely to hit headlines next?
  • Will water treatment and reuse be a topic that is ever covered in school?

Leadership & Careers

  • How can we overcome the barriers between different teams e.g. cleanwater and water recycling
  • What can you gain from having a mentor?
  • What is the best approach for keeping people who have completed graduate schemes in the business?
  • What are the different roles that a post doctoral researcher could undertake in the water industry?