1. Infogrqaphic
The first thing on the worksheet is a fun inforgraphic to remind the pupils about some of the facts we have been looking into. Resource source: Choc Children’s
2. Label the heart
Next the pupils have to label the heart diagram, probably the trickiest part of the worksheet. The answers can be found here. Resource
source: Kids Health
3. Word search
Next is a cardiovascular system word search, something a bit easier. Resource source: Kids Health
4. Quiz
To make things a little harder again, I included a bit of a quiz. The answers are: Q1)1, Q2)3, Q3)3, Q4)3, Q5)3, Q6)1, Q7)2, Q8)3, Q9)3, Q10)1. Resource source: Fun Trivia
1. The body has many cavities which house and protect its organs. The heart is in which cavity?
o The chest
o The skull
o The abdomen
o The pelvis
2. What is the average size of your heart?
o The size of a beach ball.
o The size of a pea.
o The size of your clenched fist.
o The size of a watermelon.
3. The human heart is divided into sections called chambers. How many chambers does a human heart have?
o 2
o 3
o 4
o 5
4. Some of the heart's chambers are located at the top and some at the bottom. What is the name for the top chambers of the heart?
o Base chambers
o Ventricles
o Atria
o Upstairs chambers
5. What's the name for the bottom chambers of the heart?
o Atria
o Downstairs chambers
o Ventricles
o Apex chambers
6. Between the upper and lower chambers of the heart are some leaf-like structures which help blood to flow in one direction. These structures are called valves.
o True
o False
7. Which blood vessels return blood to the heart?
o Arteries
o Veins
o Capillaries
o Bronchioles
8. The number of times the heart beats per minute is called the heart rate. All of the following activities would be likely to increase the heart rate except one. Which one?
o Watching a scary movie
o Running
o Sleeping
o Fighting
9. The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs. What happens in the lungs?
o The blood turns from red to green.
o It has a rest.
o The blood loses carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen.
o Nobody knows for sure.
10. Most of the blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood around the body are called arteries. The largest artery in the body is the aorta.
o True
o False
5. Origami heart
Lastly, I gave the pupils the opportunity to create their own origami heart. Resource source: Origami Resource Center
1. Start with a square sheet of paper with the
white-side facing up. Fold and unfold along the diagonal in both directions.
2. Fold down the top-corner of the paper to the
center of the paper.
3. Fold up the bottom corner of the paper to the
top of the model.
4. Fold up the bottom-left and bottom-right
sides of the model so the edges meet in the middle. This gives you a heart shape.
5. Fold back (mountain fold) the corners of the
paper so as to get a more rounded heart shape.